It’s about thinking, and engineering, that’s the job of an engineer. From MEP-Projects, when we are faced with any repetitive or mechanical, we decide to invest in the development of algorithms that perform that task, and after transcribing them into code, we manage to save time, resources and eliminate the human error inherent in this type of work.

At MEP-Projects, training is the key, and that’s why we invest in training our workers in programming languages and algorithm resolution.

With this philosophy, we are in continuous evolution, developing parallel to our day to day a way to improve in quality, time and resources our way of carrying out our work.

As an example, our software for tray calculation, by means of which we can obtain the most optimal sizes for each tray, and obtain the most critical points in the routing of cables, allowing us to feed back all the previous process to this point and optimizing the whole process. This leads to savings in materials, as well as labor for our customers

Due to the fact that these types of algorithms are our own, it is easy for us to adapt them to the needs of our clients.

Picture 2 - Routing of cables on a tray